When you purchase SCRIP, you are purchasing actual gift certificates and prepaid cards to use just like cash. These cards and certificates look just like the ones you buy in the stores, but you can save yourself the time and drive and buy them through the school. You can use SCRIP to purchase everyday items such as food, clothing, and other essentials.

SCRIP Is Easy and Simple

You generate revenue by using SCRIP instead of money or credit cards to make household purchases you would make anyway. Also, you get dollar for dollar on what you purchase. Example, if you want a $25 gift card, you pay $25 for it. There are no extra hidden costs. This is the 28th year of SCRIP through the Broome County Catholic Schools.

How does the SCRIP Program generate revenue?

You order gift cards and certificates through the school and pay full face value for them. The school is able to buy them through the Great Lakes SCRIP Center and our local vendors at a discount. The vendor discounts vary from 2 to 20% and are eventually returned to you in the form of tuition credit for the following school year.

What does SCC do with the revenue?

They give it back to you! They keep track of the revenue you generate from SCRIP purchases during the current school year, and at the end of the year offer it back to you as a tuition credit for your child for the following school year. The amount offered is equal to the amount generated by orders placed in your family’s name and is subtracted right off your tuition bill.

How do I order SCRIP?

About a week before the scrip order due date, the SCRIP order form will be sent home either by email or hard copy. Please have your order with payment in the school office by noon of the due date. Your SCRIP order will be returned to you at the school the following week.

The easiest way to see how it works is to place an order! You’ll quickly see how easy it is to lower your tuition! If you have questions, please give me a call!
Denise Anderson 607-772-8940

Please Note: The vendors listed on the order form are those available in our area. Many other retailers from across the country participate in the SCRIP program. Please reference the SCRIP website (https://www.raiseright.com/) for a complete list of vendors. There are blank lines on the order form for stores not included on our list. Since we do not participate in online orders, we do not have an online account number. You can see the vendor percentages but would need to contact me to see the denominations they offer. We also strongly encourage you to support our local vendors…some of who are families in our school system.

Retailers (and their profits) on the SCRIP list are subject to change at any time and without notice. Bonus discounts are common during holidays and back-to-school times! If a retailer you have ordered becomes unavailable, you will be notified. You will always receive the current profit on the day SCRIP is ordered.

The order due dates for 2023-2024 are:

  • Tuesday, August 1
  • Tuesday, September 12
  • Tuesday, October 3
  • Tuesday, October 31
  • Tuesday, November 28
  • Tuesday, January 9
  • Tuesday, February 6
  • Tuesday, March 12
  • Tuesday, April 16
  • Tuesday, May 28
  • summer date to be determined

Profits from these orders will be applied towards the 2024-25 school year.

Admission to Catholic Schools of Broome County is the first step on a journey toward personal success.